May 2024 Issue
Our substack has taken off. We’ve posted some powerful interviews that are attracting widespread attention. Francesco and I interviewed Jeffrey Prather last month and established a kindred relationship with him. We are inviting other prominent people with major Internet shows to be our guest, and hope to bring these guests together in a podcast to discuss PeopleUnited’s Five Principles in July. Our goal is to invite their organizations to help us promote creating the strength in numbers movement that is necessary to restore a powerful voice for “We the People”. We can no longer allow the voice of the government supersede the voice of the people.
We have also made progress with our book, PeopleUnited.net’s Five Principles and hope to have it published soon. It has been 16 months since we have incorporated as a 501(C)(3), and many of you have wondered if and when we would be ready for action steps.
We are now prepared to begin implementing our outreach programs to build strength in numbers, unity, and solidarity. We fully realize that for PeopleUnited to succeed, we depend on your support. We are inviting everyone interested to join us at our next People United General Meeting on Wednesday May 22, 2024, at 6:00 pm PST.
We hope you will join us by posting comments in our substack or by writing a short article that supports our five principles. We’ll tell you more about how you can become active in promoting PeopleUnited.net at our next meeting. Here is the link for the meeting: https://streamyard.com/wzk787a3b6
We are looking forward to connecting with you on Wednesday, May 22, at 6:00 pm. Please invite your friends to join us as we celebrate our next phase that will focus on growth of our membership.
Len Saputo, MD
Co-Founder & Chairman, PeopleUnited

PeopleUnited.net Newsletter, January 2024
PeopleUnited is celebrating its one-year anniversary!
Lots has been accomplished, and even more is planned for 2024. This is what we have achieved over the past 12 months:
- A functional PeopleUnited.net website
- We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational foundation
- We have sponsored three PeopleUnited Town Hall Meetings
- A documentary of our Town Hall Meeting at the Lesher Center for the Arts is posted online
- We have created a Stripe account to manage membership fees and donations
- We have raised more than $17,000 in funds that are tax deductible
- We are creating a book about PeopleUnited’s Five Principles
- We have created PeopleUnited Town Hall Video Series Podcasts
- We have started a Map Navigator Tool and Coalition of Organizations
- PeopleUnited Daily Videos of What’s New in the News
PeopleUnited has even greater plans for 2024!
- A membership drive is key to build strength in numbers
- Intensify fund raising so we can maintain and broaden our services
- Continue to expand our PeopleUnited.net website
- Continuing to podcast Town Hall Meetings throughout the year
- Continue PeopleUnited Town Hall Video Series Podcasts
- Expand our Map Navigator Tool and Coalition of Organizations
- Complete and publish our book about PeopleUnited’s Five Principles
- Continue with PeopleUnited Daily Videos of What’s New in the News
- Expand our website to encourage participation in our forums and create consensus
- Quarterly general membership meetings on Thursdays at 6:00 pm PST (January 11, April 13, July 13, and October 12)
- Let’s make 2024 the year that PeopleUnited builds strength in numbers and through a national grassroots network of likeminded individuals and organizations that begins creating the platforms we need to return control of our government to “The Will of the People”. We now have an infrastructure that can focus on outreach to build a membership and funding that can develop action steps.
Our next PeopleUnited General Meeting is on Thursday, January 11 at 6:00 pm PST
Time: Jan 11, 2024, 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
This an update for the general meeting on January 11th, 6pm PST. We will NOT be using zoom. Too many issues. We will be using our platform and this is your link to get into the meeting as a speaker which we tested today and is rock solid.
These are some things that you need to know first so please read this over. Its very important! If anyone has any questions please contact me personally.
Happy New Year,
Len Saputo, MD
PeopleUnited Newsletter
April 2023
Talk sounds promising, but it is action that we of PeopleUnited have been waiting for. We are now ready to share our action plan for how “We the People” can take back the power we were charged with by the US Constitution to govern America.
Our plan from the start has been to heal the great divide that has separated America into a myriad of small individual factions that are independent, sometimes adversarial, all too often competitive, and ultimately devoid of unified power. It is imperative that we come together to create a unified community built on principles we agree upon and take action from the grassroots of America.
We have learned that we can no longer accomplish our goals from the top down. Sadly, that approach has gotten us into the unacceptable situation we are in today. It has become clear that our success depends on unified “Strength in Numbers” of highly committed patriotic Americans who are willing to sacrifice on behalf of our freedom and sovereignty for our country now and forever.
Over the past few weeks, we partnered with The Menlo Forum to see if we could inspire patriotic Americans to join us in a Town Hall Meeting that we held in Menlo Park. We held an open forum that led to a lively discussion about the state of affairs in the world and ideas of how “We the People” could take back control of our government. We cannot afford to continue dealing with what is happening in the world by passively reacting with defensive action. It is time for proactive action that includes the following:
Coordinating grassroots meetings to exert “the will of the people” on elected officials
Collectively refusing to acquiesce to illegal, unconstitutional, & immoral mandates
Sponsoring events, conferences, marches, etc
Creating grassroots sustainability with co-ops for food, water, power, safety
We learned from this experience that there are many people who understand not only what has happened to America but also to the entire world. Patriotic Americans have learned that we must take offensive action now. We must unify if we’re going to stop the movement of the One World Order that has been systematically destroying our health, economy, civil rights, and our Great Republic.
We are inviting millions of patriotic Americans to join us in protecting the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. We intend to begin hosting Town Hall Meetings in many local communities to create a force of unified patriotic Americans who will fight for our freedom and sovereignty.
PeopleUnited Newsletter
July 2023
Our Orinda Town Hall Meeting that was held at the Orinda Community Library Theater on Sunday, July 2nd was a great success. PeopleUnited’s goal of building community, strength in numbers, and solidarity was enthusiastically supported. Because our platform consists entirely of issues that we all agree on, everyone was inspired to join PeopleUnited. We are considering having our next Town Hall Meeting for all of Contra Costa County in Walnut Creek. Several people have volunteered to support this effort, but we can use all the support we can get. Please contact me at healthmedicine@comcast.net if you want to be part of the team that will make our next event another success.
We had three outstanding speakers that included Alix Mayer, James Roguski, and Francesco Garripoli. Each person discussed the dangers of the varied aspects of totalitarianism and what we can do to protect our freedom and sovereignty.
Put simply, we must return governance to reflect the will of all people for the highest good. We must also make certain that “The Will of the People” never again acquiesces to “The Will of the Government”. In addition, it is our responsibility to protect our God-given civil rights, health, economy, and Constitutional Republic.
We are reaching out to organizations that share our platform and are inviting them to join us as a member of our Coalition of Like-minded Organizations. We realize that each organization has its own unique platform, but nevertheless shares certain fundamental principles that can bring us together under one super umbrella. Check out our “PeopleUnited Map” on our PeopleUnited.net. It is an amazing way to provide easy access to freedom groups in specific geographic areas of the US. It is an excellent way to create strength in numbers and solidarity, and to protect our Constitutional Republic. These goals must come from the grassroots of America.
Everyone who agrees with our platform is welcome to join PeopleUnited and be part of our movement. Subscribing members can join for free. People who want to support PeopleUnited can join for $5 per month or $50 annually. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated. Go to PeopleUnited.net to learn more about how you can join PeopleUnited.
Len Saputo and Francesco Garripoli