Francesco Garri Garripoli, DD

Francesco Garri Garripoli, a founding Member of PeopleUnited, is an internationally recognized Senior Qigong and Meditation instructor, Yoga practitioner, musician, brainwave researcher, author, lecturer, Doctor of Divinity, and wellness advocate. Chairman Emeritus of the National Qigong Association, Francesco is current Chairman of the Qigong Institute and is featured in a series of award-winning, instructional Qigong videos.

He is the author of ‘Qigong – Essence of the Healing Dance’ and ‘Tao of the Ride’ on his experiences living in China, India, Hawaii, and Thailand studying with elder healing Masters since the mid-1970s. An Emmy Award-winning producer, Francesco’s Qigong documentary aired on PBS-TV with over 88 million viewers. Francesco offers acclaimed Qigong workshops, and online courses, as well as private online coaching sessions and Qigong Instructor Certification programs in the U.S. and Europe and Qigong Study & Healing Retreats around the world through the non-profit CommunityAwake organization he founded. For the past two years he has hosted The Voice of Reason Internet podcast show with his long-time friend, Len Saputo, MD, that airs weekly and is focused on Covid 19 and related issues.

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