Each day, PeopleUnited will feature a podcast from a variety of sources that we find relevant to current events. We hope that everyone listens to what we find critical in the current times. It will be a wide variety of topics.
“The opinions expressed below are not necessarily the opinions of PeopleUnited. We are a free speech platform and all opinions are welcome”
EMF Training – Beyond Qigong – Dr Ramnarine & Francesco Garripoli – Emotions, Minds, Fields 12/01/2024
Dr. Nilash Ramnarine, physician and Certified Qigong Instructor in Trinidad & Tobago interviews Francesco Garri Garripoli, Senior Qigong Teacher Certified by the National Qigong Association (NQA), discussing the new EMF Training that Francesco has developed after decades of personal training and study. This unique in-person, three-day workshop offers you insights to travel beyond Qigong and into the three key areas of our lives that create blocks and prevent us from living in peace and accessing our true power. Combining his teaching in (E) “Emotion Alchemy”, (M) “Three Minds”, and (F) “The Third Field,” this three-day workshop provides real-world tools that you can use in real time for person transformation and healing. In this way, you will have techniques that weave together Qigong and visualization which you can put to use to activate the Qi Effect and begin to see how you can shift from your conditioned responses into being guided by Heart resonance for real and lasting transformation, to begin the shift from just surviving to truly thriving. Learn more at: https://www.communityawake.org/lp-courses/
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How to use 2025 to achieve important LIFE GOALS 12/01/2024
– Goals for 2025 and Beyond (0:03)
– The Role of Consciousness and Free Will (1:30)
– Universal Morality and Empathy (6:16)
– Standing Against Evil and Promoting Morality (9:27)
– The Importance of Humility and Spirituality (16:20)
– Connecting with Nature and Light (21:48)
– Expanding Knowledge and Sharing Information (26:37)
– Living a Purposeful Life and Preparing for the Future (29:28)
– Promoting Health and Wellness with Silver Products (31:23)
– Closing Remarks and Final Thoughts (35:34)
Saving America by Saving Ourself First
Now is the time for we the people to focus on opening the heart of humanity by opening our own hearts first. Through relentless propaganda and extreme censorship, too many people have been brainwashed into complacency. It is time for all Americans to join together as a nationwide grassroots coalition and become part of a unified movement for positive change. Francesco, David, and Dr. Len propose that this can be done through strength in numbers, a unified message, and solidarity among us. This will take an evolution of consciousness and a social transformation. It was done 250 years ago in America, and it can be done again today.