Welcome to the PeopleUnited Forum Community! Together, we reclaim freedom as a human right, and secure individual autonomy.
These Forums are a safe place for exchange of ideas, problems, solutions, frustrations, that any Member wishes to bring forward to the community.
Click here to explore our various Forums
Forum Guidelines:
User name is your real name or closely related
Post your question, opinion, discovery, resource, suggestion, or frustration here! These real-life experiences allow us to learn from and support one another as human beings. Comments will be reviewed and allowed online quickly, unless there appears to be vulgarity or other disrespect, in which case the moderator will contact the person who wrote the post to clarify. PeopleUnited reserves the right to block users from the PPRM Members’ Forum if there are repeated violations of respect. This includes protecting the confidentiality of personal medical information.
When you post in the PeopleUnited Forum, please choose from one of the categories and put that category in your subject line (If your content doesn’t fit one, please choose “Other.”) This will allow us to follow conversations clearly, and gather the accumulating wisdom and knowledge.
- Legal problem or question; important legal cases
- Legislation concern or praise or idea
- Healing beyond conventional medicine and best of conventional medicine; important scientific documents
- News and events to Note
- Doctor needed / available
- Other
Each category in the Forum will have resource documents and a list of websites for help with problems related to this topic
PeopleUnited may have expertise in some of these areas and we do recognize the importance of having resources beyond our expertise, and we want to direct you to the individuals and groups that have expertise. We may add more categories as we grow, and your suggestions are always helpful.
Thank you,
David Saputo, Forum Moderator
Please send any forum suggestions by clicking here
PeopleUnited has a growing number of Forums – Click here to visit These are private and secure ways to communicate with others who share your interests and concerns. All information shared stays withing ReclaimingMed and we do our very best – ethically and technically – to protect your privacy and freedom.