
  • Francesco replied to the topic Welcome to People United Forums in the forum Welcome to People United Forums 9 months, 3 weeks ago

    Exactly… PeopleUnited is about giving people a voice… in a safe and unrestricted environment. As a founder along with Len and David Saputo, we have put TONS of effort into making sure that this website platform is rock solid, encrypted, and protected as best as tech will allow. That means we care about your security as much as we care about our own – any information you enter here for your Membership, stays encrypted on our private, nested servers and goes nowhere else… and that’s the only way we can have a forum for free speech… and through that freedom, new ideas arise… and when many caring and motivated people come together with clear intention, anything is possible. We need to stay positive and remember our power in numbers… and not just “numbers” but with men and women who are sovereign and secure in their Heart that their rights are sacred and that freedom on every level is critical. Share your voices… you are welcome… Peace…

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