Orinda Town Hall Meeting, December 15, 2024 RSVP and Questionnaire

Orinda 2024 Survey
Surveys by an Organization of, by, and for the people

A growing majority of Americans support this ideology but feel separated, alone, and powerless to embrace. They no longer have a voice in running our country. Many don’t vote, either because they think there are no real choices between candidates, or because they believe elections are now rigged. So why bother? This is not just a national issue; it is a global challenge wherein the sovereignty of all countries has become threatened.

Because we are the government of the United States, it is our responsibility to unite and run the country. We cannot allow the bureaucrats who work for us to run the country unchecked. Sadly, far too many elected officials have conflicts of interest and do not represent their electors.

PeopleUnited.net is our online network and clearinghouse where caring and concerned Americans can, through strength in numbers, come together and create a collective voice of the people through heart-centered political activism. A coalition of citizens is growing, but there is no time to waste. If we are to succeed, we must take action immediately and follow the example of our forefathers!

Orinda Town Hall Meeting, December 15, 2024 RSVP and Questionnaire

Which of the following interests you about our Orinda PeopleUnited Town Hall gathering?

Which of the following interests you about our Orinda PeopleUnited Town Hall gathering?

Building Local Communities

If you are interested in learning how to participate in or build local communities...

If you are interested in learning how to participate in or build local communities...

What Does Freedom and Unity Mean To You?

What Does Freedom and Unity Mean To You?

Do you feel that our government reflects the will of the people?

Do you feel that our government reflects the will of the people?

Do all economic-related government decisions support “We the People”?

Do all economic-related government decisions support “We the People”?

Are you guided by your heart-centered principles in all that you do? If so, what does that mean to you?

Are you guided by your heart-centered principles in all that you do? If so, what does that mean to you?

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